Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hello there!

My name is Melissa and I am a brand new mommy! Madeline Rose was born June 7th of this year and even though everyone tells you how much your life changes once you have a baby, you still cannot fathom how different your life is throughout each stage of the adventure that is postpartum.

Since the moment I found out I was pregnant I have been researching how to be a parent. I had been a nanny for almost a decade so I knew a lot about having motherly duties but I didn't know a whole lot about being a PARENT. I had always helped my nanny children to the best of my abilities but at the end of the day any issues the children had were ultimately their parent's problem. But  now this was MY baby. Her problems were MY problems now. What if my baby is a picky eater? What if she has a learning disability? What if she won't sleep? What if she doesn't have any of the things I like? What if I give birth to the anti-christ? All of these questions I felt like I HAD to have answers to before she was even born. I started obsessively reading Pins on Pinterest, Blogs, downloading apps, watching Youtube videos; I just felt compelled to be a step ahead of any possible issue she may have because I lived in terror (and still do though not nearly to the extent) that I would be unprepared.

The problem with this is that NO ONE is EVER fully prepared to be a parent!!! My obsessive behavior came to a halt when my mom finally said "what do you think you're going to be able to predict everything?" It dawned on me that those experiences of not-knowing were what would make my parenthood interesting and worth talking about.

So, if you're looking into this blog to try and prepare yourself for being a parent, I assure nothing can. Not even all of the contradicting advice (that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who comes within a 50 mile radius of you) is going to give you. But I hope you find some helpful tips from me throughout my process of learning to be a mama.


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